Archived Announcements

June 2023 - DVS founder Robert W. Sweeny has been awarded a Mary McMullan Grant from the National Art Education Foundation.

This award will be used to fund a digital media lecture and educator workshop in Spring 2024.

April 2023 - DVS collaborators Christine Liao, Tomi Dufva, Marissa McClure, and Robert Sweeny presented at the National Art Education Association Annual Conference, held April 14-16 in San Antonio Texas.

The title of the presentation was Digital Visual Studies: Current Digital Media Theory and Art Educational Practice.

March 2023 - DVS collaborators Aaron Knochel, Christine Liao, Tomi Dufva, Marissa McClure, and Robert Sweeny presented at the National Art Education Association Research Preconference, held virtually on March 24-25.

The title of the presentation was Establishing an Inclusive Digital Visual Collaborative Research Hub.